Thursday, 22 November 2012

Registering as "Partially Sighted" in the UK

Did you know that patients with hemianopia may be eligible for registration as "partially sighted". The Department for Work and Pensions say that "a gross defect of visual fields (of both eyes, such as hemianopia)" is an example of a visual impairment that would qualify for registration as partially sighted (see this web page).

Not everyone with vision impairment related to stroke, brain injury, or neurological problems, will be eligible. Registration can only be done by a consultant ophthalmologist. Your GP could refer you to one.

There are benefits to registration, as explained in this leaflet, and on this web page on the RNIB's web site.  Benefits can include help with NHS costs, discounted travel and, well, benefits.


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Try Eye-Search, free web-based visual search training from University College London (funded by the Stroke Association).
Listening Books is a UK charity providing audiobooks for people with reading difficulty. Books can be posted on CD, downloaded, or streamed online. There is a membership fee, but it is apparently heavily subsidised.