Visual rehab needs more researchers!

I have recently been awarded The Stroke Association Thompson Family Senior Clinical Lectureship to work in Bristol in the UK on rehabilitation of visual loss following stroke.  I am on the lookout for researchers to build a world class research group studying vision in relation to stroke.  I am particularly interested in visual behaviour in hemianopia, visual training using perceptual learning, understanding individual differences in the response to rehabilitation, and enhancing visual rehabilitation using medicines and transcranial direct current stimulation.  In addition I have a keen interest in the use of technology in rehabilitation, particularly in allowing people to undergo rehabilitation at home.

I would be happy to receive contacts relating to research.  Please see my University of Bristol web page via THIS LINK.


Try Eye-Search, free web-based visual search training from University College London (funded by the Stroke Association).
Listening Books is a UK charity providing audiobooks for people with reading difficulty. Books can be posted on CD, downloaded, or streamed online. There is a membership fee, but it is apparently heavily subsidised.