Thursday, 17 September 2015

Vision at the UK Stroke Forum 2015

Excitingly there's a session on management of visual impairment following stroke at the UKSF this year. The exciting thing is the emphasis on management - is it finally being accepted that there really is something that can be done about stroke-related visual impairment?!

The UKSF is in Liverpool this year, December 1st-3rd.
The vision session is on Wed 2nd December in Room 4, details as follows:

11.45 – 13.00
Room 4
Parallel session 1D

Management of visual impairment following stroke
Chair: Claire Howard (British and Irish Orthoptic Society Lead for Stroke and Neuro Rehab) 

1 - Management of visual field loss following stroke – including research results from VISION trial Dr Fiona Rowe (Reader in Orthoptics and Health Services Research / NIHR Fellow, University of Liverpool)

2 - Management and advice for visual perception difficulties following stroke including visual hallucinations Carmel Noonan (Consultant Ophthalmologist, Aintree University Hospitals)

3 - Management of eye movement problems following stroke Caroline Dodridge (Stroke Specialist Othoptist, Oxford University Hospital)


Try Eye-Search, free web-based visual search training from University College London (funded by the Stroke Association).
Listening Books is a UK charity providing audiobooks for people with reading difficulty. Books can be posted on CD, downloaded, or streamed online. There is a membership fee, but it is apparently heavily subsidised.