Sunday, 17 April 2011

Krystel Huxlin (University of Rochester) on rehabilitating visual motion perception

European Stroke Conference, Hamburg 2011

The European Stroke Conference will take place in Hamburg this year, 24-27 May.

For details, see this web site.

For those with an interest in vision, see teaching course 6, Tuesday 24 May, 15:30-17:30:
 "Stroke syndromes of the posterior circulation"
Includes talks:
Brain-stem ischemic stroke eponyms – an update
J.S. Kim, South Korea
Oculomotor presentations of brain-stem ischemia
. Kömpf, Germany

Ischemic stroke patterns in the posterior cerebral artery territory
R. Kern, Germany


Try Eye-Search, free web-based visual search training from University College London (funded by the Stroke Association).
Listening Books is a UK charity providing audiobooks for people with reading difficulty. Books can be posted on CD, downloaded, or streamed online. There is a membership fee, but it is apparently heavily subsidised.